Application form
We are committed to protecting your personal data. For more information on how we protect and process your personal data, please read our Privacy Policy. By clicking the check box you consent to us processing, storing and transferring personal data submitted by you, for the purposes of providing you with information on our services as requested/processing your enquiry/application.
Please ensure that the information you provide is true and accurate. Our school reserves the right to cancel admission qualifications in case of intentional concealment or deception.
I have read the above and agree to proceed.
[Student Information]
As shown in passport
Given Name*
Surname *
English Name *
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)*
Current Y9 or Y10 Students. Applicants must be born before September 1, 2011 (the date September 1, 2011, is included)
Type of Identify*
Number of ID*
Address* (Please provide your detailed address, including the door number, such as [XXX Community, Building X, Room XXX)
Student Mobile*
For school use ONLY; if the candidate does not have phone number, please enter 0
Current School*
Please fill in the school name here i.e. Suzhou XXX Middle School
Any applicants must complete compulsory education in China before admission (except for foreign identification)
If you have any history of academic suspension, please inform the admissions office truthfully before the assessment.
Level to Apply(as of 1st September 2025)*
4-year IGCSE programme: 14.0-15.9
3-year IGCSE programme: 15.0-16.9
2-year A Level programme: 16.0-17.9
Only exceptional circumstances, such as after long-term sickness, will the school consider applicants outside of these requirements.
Attach a photo*
Attach passport-sized photo and the photo must be taken within the past 6 months, the max file size is 200KB,JPG and PNG only.
Please select a date for Assessment*
Applicants must apply at least ten working days before the chosen assessment date.
[Parent Information]
Given Name*
Current Company*
Given Name*
Current Company*
How did you firstly learn about our school?*
If you select "other", please specify:
Have you applied to any other schools in Suzhou? If so, please state.
All questions denoted with an asterisk (*) must be filled completely and with accuracy
Pay the Assessment Application Fee Now*
2024-2025 application fee for the assessment
Application Fee
- +
Enter your frequently used email address below to receive the assessment information*:
(If the students successfully apply for the assessment, we will not accept any requests for a refund.)
Totally acknowledge Rules for Obtaining Refunds for Application Fees then willingly make the payment
  • Our Campus
  • Fangzhong Street, near East Zhongxin Avenue,
    No. 360 Gangtian Road, SIP, Suzhou, Jiangsu, PR China 215021苏ICP备16059142号-2